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I started feeling mild contractions last Sunday. I already knew that it would be normal to feel those cramps especially now that I'm on my 21st week of pregnancy. Last night was totally different. Tightness together with a little bit of pain in my abdomen started happening around 8pm with intervals from 5 mins - 20 mins. It was really bothering me and my husband Luis. And wig his help he tried researching in the Internet some ways to alleviate the cramping and pain such as lying in my left side, drinking lots of water and he also gave me a back massage. After 2 hours I started feeling better and felt asleep. But the contractions did occur again around 4:00 this morning and 7:00 am when I woke up. Luis adviced me to call someone to take my shift and see my doctor instead. I first dropped by at my family doctor's clinic but he wasn't around so I just called my OB gyne's clinic to make an appointment. Luckily she wasn't around too that's why Suzy the receptionist just adviced me to go straight here in Richmond Hospital to get examined and assessed. I got really anxious when I heard that I had to go to here. I mean my mom and family not being around plus my husband on his way to work means I'll be alone. I probably have adjusted since I arrive here in Canada last February but being alone during hospitalization will be first and scary for me. Good thing my husband decided not to go to work and be with me instead. When u got here nurse and doctors did an assessment with me. Interviewed my medical history, took some urine samples and performed blood tests as well. Currently I am still here in my bed, while hubby's taking a nap in the chair and at 4:15pm I'll be brought down for my abdominal ultrasound. I have one spot that is painful that's why they'll try to find out which us causing it. Hopefully everything will be fine and I can't wait to go home and cook lumpiang toge which I'm craving since last night. I'll be back later for more updates!
Get well Tine!!! :)