Are you a spaghetti fan? Here's your chance to win cool prizes! Try to capture one of your happiest, funniest and wackiest moments with Jollibee's spaghetti and send it to Here are the three categories you can join with their corresponding prizes:
1. Happiest moments with your family
- Jollibee family pacakge worth P7K, Jollibee GC's worth P5K, Sony digital photo frame
2. Funniest moments with your office mates
- Jollibee office mates package worth P7K, Jollibee GC's worth P5K, Sony photo printer
3. Wackiest moments with your barkada
- Jollibee barkada package worth P7K, Jollibee GC's worth P5K, Sony digital camera
Provide a one-line caption or description for each photo. You can submit only one photo for each category.
So what are you waiting for? Bring out your camera and go to the nearest Jollibee store. Your spaghetti moments might be the happiest, funniest and wackiest they are looking for!
For more details click here.
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